The contract period is three years from commencement date. 合同期:合同期为三年,从入职第一天开始计算。
Any application for such extension of contract period shall be made six months before the expiration of the contract. 这种合同延期的申请应于合同到期日前6个月提出。
An employed expert may change foreign currency monthly or at the end of the contract period, at the exchange rate on the day of change. 受聘专家可按月兑换外汇,在合同结束时一次兑换,按当日的外汇比价兑换。
The contract period, you meet all kinds of problems related to the network marketing, all can to our advice. 合同期限内,贵方遇到网络营销相关的各类问题,均可以向我方咨询。
The Contractor shall carry out the monitoring during the contract period only. 承包商仅需在合同期限内进行监测计划。
Overdue loan repayment schedule is not party or over the contract period the graded principal repayment of loans planned behavior. 借款逾期是指甲方未按期清偿或超过本合同约定的分次还本计划期限归还借款的行为。
The farm sell one's own things of the village, the law that basically involves is "rural land contracts law", the26th regulation of this law: contract period inside, hair bag just must not call in contract the ground. 村里的农田出让,主要涉及的法律是《农村土地承包法》,该法的第二十六条规定:承包期内,发包方不得收回承包地。
Party A will be responsible for evaluating Party B during the contract period in order to help improve the effectiveness of Part B. 为帮助乙方更有效地进行教学工作,甲方将负责在聘用期内对乙方的工作进行评估。
Measurements shall be repeated once a year during the contract period. 在合同期内,测量应每年进行一次。
The Engineer shall have the exclusive use of the offices, as detailed in this specification at each laboratory at all times during the contract period. 在合同期内,监理方应一直拥有对各个实验室办公室的专用权,如本规定的详述。
At the end of the contract period the vehicles will be handed back to the contractor. 在合同期结束时,此类车辆将归还给承包商。
Yet the website won't return the money if no match is made within the contract period. 如果在合约期内没有找到合适的对象,网站也不会退还服务费。
The service of intermediary is available during the contract period. 中介方提供的服务期与合同期一致。
In order to improve efficiency of contract administration, some of the requirements herein may be revised during the contract period. 为了提高合同管理效率,可能在合同期限内对这里的一些要求进行修改。
The29th sets: contract period inside, contract square OK and freewill will contract the ground hands in a hair to wrap square. 第二十九条规定:承包期内,承包方可以自愿将承包地交回发包方。
Inside contract period of efficacy, once produce danger to increase, insurant ought to inform an underwriter in time according to the agreement; be aimed at the condition that danger increases, the underwriter has authority to ask to increase insurance premium to perhaps remove insurance contract. 在合同有效期内,一旦发生危险增加,被保险人应当按照约定及时通知保险人;针对危险增加的情况,保险人有权要求增加保险费或者解除保险合同。
Requirements of the buyer should be met when establish design reports, specifications, other documents needed in the contract period, including the returns to the third part. 编制设计报告、规格书和合同执行过程中合同要求的其它文件,包括对第三方检验机构的回复都应符合甲方的要求。
Provide for the engineer's approval a programme of the routine operational maintenance and preventive maintenance procedures which the contractor proposed to execute during the two-year maintenance contract period. 为承包商拟在为期两年的维护合同期内实施的常规日常保养及预防性维护程序提供计划,以供监理工程师批准。
The Appendix hereto shall, through the contract period, be deemed to be construed as part of this Contract. 译:整个合同期间,本合同的附件应被视为合同的一部分予以解释。
Unlimited Contract Period: Starting from the date of and till the legal condition of termination happens. 无固定期限:从年月日起至法定的终止条件出现时止。
Web banner advertisement special price at HK$ 300/ month, free for the 1st month. You may use this special offer at anytime within the contract period. 网上横额广告&>特价HK$300月费,送首月月费.贵公司可在合约期内除时使用此优惠。
Successful applicants will be awarded an initial teaching contract period of1 to3 years. 成功的申请人将被授予合同期内的初始教学1~3年。
The contract period is three years. 合同周期三年。
At the expiry of the contract period the employer will inspect the works and, if there are no outstanding works, will issue a performance certifi-cate. 合同到期之后,监理方将检查工程。如果所有工程均已完成,监理方将出具履约证书。
When the contract period is over, the ownership of the project will be transferred to the government. 协议期满后,这项设施的所有权无偿移交给政府。
The contract period of Foreign-Invested enterprises may be decided differently according to its particular line of business and circumstance. 外商投资企业的经营期限按不同行业、不同情况,作不同的约定;
The contract period, market liquidity and risk-free interest rate have the main effect to the price of credit default swap. In this paper an econometric approach is used to establish quantitative relationship between them. 信用违约互换的价格主要受到合约期限、市场流动性和无风险利率的影响,本文利用计量经济方法建立了它们之间的数量关系。
In the performance of the contract period, due to the relevant obligation of security and property management services fees system is not clear and norms to the owners of personal and property rights infringed. 在合同的履行阶段,由于有关安全保障义务和物业服务费用的缴纳制度不够明确和规范导致业主的人身和财产权利遭受侵害。
During the contract period, club acquires all the surplus value produced by human capital. 在合同期,俱乐部获得人力资本产生的所有剩余价值。
Complete contract is an ideal contract, detailing contract rights and obligations of the parties of each case during the contract period, optimal contract signed by the contractual parties in the case of complete information. 完备契约是一种理想化的契约,详细规定了契约期内每一种情况下契约当事人的权利和义务,是契约各方在信息完全的情况下签订的最优契约。